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Eng. 卡內基經典原文著作 4冊 PDF電子書

NT$ 690.00

卡內基經典原文著作 4冊 PDF電子書

Original classic books of Dale Carnegie

-How to win friends and influence people(人性的弱點)
-How to stop worrying and start living(人性的優點)
-How to enjoy your life and your job(快樂的人生)
-The quick and easy way to effective speaking(語言的突破)

Since its initial publication eighty years ago, How to Win Friends & Influence People has sold over fifteen million copies worldwide. In his book, Carnegie explains that success comes from the ability to communicate effectively with others. He provides relatable analogies and examples, and teaches you skills to make people want to be in your company, see things your way, and feel wonderful about it. For more than eighty years his advice has helped thousands of successful people in their business and personal lives.